Title: Treasure Island: The Graphic Novel
Author: Tim Hamilton
ISBN: 978-1-59961-119-8
Publisher: Spotlight Puffin Books
Copyright Date: 2005
Genre: Classic, Graphic Novel
Reading Level/Interest Age: 13-18
Awards: none
Plot Summary: When Jim Hawkins finds a treasure map he goes off in search of the buried treasure but not without battling Long John Silver and a few other pirates first.
Critical Evaluation: These black and white illustrations are reminiscent of newspaper comic strips – laid out in separate square and rectangle boxes. Although the lack of color is slightly disappointing – these pencil and ink illustrations succeed in animating this story and bringing it to life. Most of the characters faces are not displayed in much detail, giving the reader pause when the occasional detailed close-up is featured — only a handful of times throughout the novel.
Reader's Annotation: The treasure map adventure of Jim Hawkins and the pirates.
Booktalking Ideas: Adventure
Booktalking Ideas: Adventure
Challenge issues if any: Some violence, but mostly in the spirit of sword fighting and adventure.
Why did you include this book: High School students might prefer this graphic adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson original novel for the simple fact that it is illustrated, and teachers can feel confident that it retains much of the original text. This version would also be beneficial in an art class, as students can analyze the techniques that Hamilton graciously shares at the back of the book. Readers will see the several stages the artwork goes through before it is final, as well as view some of the photographs of the muses that the illustrations were modeled after.
Quote: I now felt for the first time the joy of exploration. The isle was uninhabited; my shipmates I had left behind, and nothing lived in front of me but dumb brutes and fowls.
Quote: I now felt for the first time the joy of exploration. The isle was uninhabited; my shipmates I had left behind, and nothing lived in front of me but dumb brutes and fowls.