Author: Robert Jordan
Author's Website:
ISBN: 978-0-7653-2488-7
Publisher: Tor Books
Copyright Date: 1990
Genre: Fantasy
Reading Level/Interest Age: 15-adult
Plot Summary: Rand Al'thor is a regular sheep herder in a small town until Moiraine, a sorceress, comes to town and tells him he must leave with her right away as she has been looking for him for years. The two go on a long journey at the end of which Rand realizes he is the dragon reborn and saves the world from its darkest enemy.
Critical Evaluation: Jordan's writing is extremely detailed and verbose yet it is in these small details that subplots emerge and the story becomes full. Reader's Annotation: A classic quest story of a regular boy who comes to discover that he is destined for greatness.
Booktalking Ideas: good vs. evil, mysticism, prominence of women,
Challenge issues if any: There are brief mentions of polygamy but there are not detailed sex scenes.
Challenge issues if any: There are brief mentions of polygamy but there are not detailed sex scenes.
Why did you include this book: This book is considered part of one of the best fantasy series of our time by fantasy aficionados.