Title: The Winter's Tale
Retold By: Bruce Coville
Illustrated By: LeUyen Pham
Author's Website: www.brucecoville.com
Illustrator's Website: www.LeUyenPham.com
ISBN: 978-0803727090
Publisher: Dial Books
Copyright Date: 2007
Genre: Classic Literature
Reading Level/Interest Age: 13-18
Plot Summary: When King Leontes becomes convinced that his wife is being unfaithful, his jealousy sets off a chain of unfortunate events that ultimately seems to destroys his family. In true Shakespeare fashion – this tale ends with a twist.
Critical Evaluation: I was once again impressed with Coville’s ability to retell one of Shakespeare’s stories in a simpler way making the content much easier for younger readers to understand. Although this isn’t one of Shakespeare’s most famous tales, the themes and elements (such as jealousy) are ones that would be of interest to middle school students. These brightly colored illustrations seem to be made with oil paints. The full page, impressive illustrations are reminiscent of an animated Disney movie (circa the 90s). There is a definite whimsical dimension that they add to the text.
Reader's Annotation: King Leontes is a prime example about how jumping to conclusions can set off a serious of unfortunate events.
Booktalking Ideas: Jealously
Why did you include this book: For students who have a hard time reading Shakespeare, the paired illustrations make his work easier to understand.
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