Title: Pretty Little Liars
Author: Sara Shepard
Author's Website: http://sarashepardbooks.com/
ISBN: 978-0-06-205987-1
Publisher: Harper Teen
Copyright Date: 2007
Genre: Chick Lit/Girls Series
Reading Level/Interest Age: 14-18
Plot Summary: Four best friends go their separate ways after their best friend Alison goes missing. Three years later all four girls start receiving mysterious text messages, allegedly from Alison as they contain information about secrets only Alison knew.
Critical Evaluation: Sara Shepard is a master at writing from the perspective of a teenage girl. She manages to subtly brand everything from the cars the girls drive, to the clothes they wear, to their jewelry and perfume. She successfully manages to write from the perspective of all four girls giving each a unique voice and entwining four separate story lines. Reader's Annotation: Four best friends grow apart after their friend Alison, the girl who knew all their secrets, disappears.
Booktalking Ideas: Gossip, Bullying, Eating Disorders, Friendship, Homosexuality, Peer Pressure
Challenge issues if any: This book contains several topics such as underage drinking, sexuality and homosexuality that some may find inappropriate for young adults. However, they are all portrayed in a negative light, and Shepard refrains from glamorizing any of them.
Challenge issues if any: This book contains several topics such as underage drinking, sexuality and homosexuality that some may find inappropriate for young adults. However, they are all portrayed in a negative light, and Shepard refrains from glamorizing any of them.
Why did you include this book: Teenage girls in particular will be able to identify with several reoccurring themes within this book such as peer pressure, kindness, bullying and honesty.
Quote:"I'm still here bitches, and I know everything. -A"
Quote:"I'm still here bitches, and I know everything. -A"
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